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NIW Success story of an Applied Microeconomist

At Rajulaw, we have a longstanding tradition of assisting professionals from a variety of fields, including those within STEM and beyond. A recent success story involves a client from the field of Applied Microeconomics, whose aspirations hinged on the approval of his I-140 petition. The pathway he chose? The National Interest Waiver (NIW)—a route that may raise eyebrows considering his profession. Yet, microeconomists like him can significantly influence a range of critical areas by applying their specialized knowledge to enhance economic policies, boost market efficiencies, and address socioeconomic disparities.

Our client, whose expertise lies in Labor Economics and Econometrics, sought to delve deep into the issues of inequality and poverty in the United States, with a sharp focus on the inequality of opportunity. This issue has roots that burrow deep into America’s troubled history, including periods of slavery that have left indelible marks on society. To challenge these entrenched disparities, he proposed a research initiative aimed at examining the relationship between income levels and the quality of U.S. elementary and secondary education, and their collective impact on inequality. His proposed policies, arising from this research, aimed to foster equality across all societal divisions, including race, gender, social class, and parental background.

Furthermore, his research intended to address the expanding wage gaps between college-educated individuals and those without higher education—a disparity that has widened alarmingly over the decades. Inequality of opportunity is a complex phenomenon that leads to entrenched generational wealth and income gaps. To tackle this, our client planned to leverage advanced machine learning technologies to analyze the myriad factors contributing to these opportunity gaps comprehensively.

Upon retaining our services, we embarked on a thorough review of his professional profile and the ambitious endeavor he proposed. Our team provided expert guidance to refine his project, ensuring that every aspect of the petition was polished, leaving no room for questions or doubts from the USCIS officer. We integrated his academic achievements, professional experiences, and extracurricular activities into a compelling petition that clearly delineated the significance of his proposed research and his aptitude for successfully executing it.

To fortify his application, we included a series of meticulously crafted letters of recommendation, each tailored to bridge any informational voids, thus ensuring a comprehensive presentation of his case. The result was a successful petition approval.

This case sets a precedent for other economists, microeconomists, or professionals in related fields considering the NIW pathway for U.S. permanent residency. If you find yourself in a similar position, contemplating how your work can contribute to the national interest, Rajulaw is here to assist. We invite you to discuss how your unique contributions and future plans can align with national goals and how our expertise can help you realize your professional aspirations.

Looking forward, the implications of our client’s research are vast, promising not only to address present inequalities but also to pave the way for future economists to explore disparities across various dimensions, including health disparities between immigrants and natives. His work exemplifies how targeted research and policy development can lead to substantial societal benefits, underscoring the critical role of economists in shaping a more equitable society. We at Rajulaw are proud to support such transformative endeavors and look forward to guiding many more professionals along their journey to making a significant impact.

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