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Crewmember Visa (D)

Crewmember Visa (D)

Crewmember (D) visas are nonimmigrant visas for persons working on board commercial sea vessels or international airlines in the United States, providing services required for normal operation and intending to depart the United States on the same vessel or any other vessel within 29 days. If you travel to the United States to join the vessel you will work on, in addition to a crewmember (D) visa, you also need a transit (C-1) visa or a combination C-1/D visa.

Person eligible for D visa:

• pilot or flight attendant on a commercial airplane
• captain, engineer, or deckhand on a sea vessel
• lifeguard, cook, waiter, beautician, or other service staff on a cruise ship
• trainee on board a training vessel

Person Not eligible for D visa:

Dry Dock: The primary services you will perform are dry dock repairs under warranty while the boat is docked at a U.S. port.
Fishing Vessel: You are a crewmember on a temporary basis on a fishing vessel that has a home port or operating base in the United States.
Coasting Officer: You are a replacement coasting officer employed when an officer of a foreign vessel is granted home leave, and the vessel does not remain in U.S. waters for more than 29 days.
Private yacht: You are a crewmember on a private yacht sailing out of a foreign port which will be cruising in U.S. waters for more than 29 days.
Outer Continental Shelf: You are a crewmember going to the Outer Continental Shelf.

Required Documents:

• Passport
• Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 confirmation page.
• Application fee payment receipt, if you are required to pay before your interview
• Evidence of:

1. The purpose of your trip;
2. Your intent to depart the United States after your trip; and/or
3. Your ability to pay all costs of the trip.

• Photo – You will upload your photo while completing the online Form DS-160.

Application Procedure:

There are several steps to apply for a visa. The order of these steps and how you complete them may vary at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you apply.

Complete the Online Visa Application

• Complete the online visa application Form DS-160
• Print the application form confirmation page.
• Photo –You will upload your photo while completing the online Form DS-160.

Attend an Interview:

Interviews are generally required for visa applicants with certain limited exceptions below.
Consular officers may require an interview of any visa applicant.

If you are age:          Then an interview is:
13 and younger        Generally, not required
14-79                           Required (some exceptions for renewals)
80 and older              Generally, not required

An Applicant for the Crewmember Visa (D) is required to pay $185

Request A Call

One of our case managers will contact you within 36 hours via email or phone call. Please be patient, as our case managers are dedicated to providing the best possible service to all clients.

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