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Reasons Why You Should Pursue An EB-2 NIW Visa

Reasons why you should pursue an EB-2 NIW visa

As of the present day, EB-2 National Interest Waiver (NIW) visa holders in the USA continue to play a vital role in various sectors of the country’s economy and society. These individuals, often possessing exceptional skills, advanced degrees, and expertise in fields such as science, technology, healthcare, and academia, have made significant contributions to the nation’s advancement. 

As lawful permanent residents, they enjoy the benefits of living and working in the United States, with the flexibility to pursue careers in their areas of expertise or explore entrepreneurial opportunities. Additionally, EB-2 NIW visa holders have the privilege of enjoying the protection of U.S. laws and the ability to sponsor eligible family members for Green Cards, fostering a sense of stability and belonging in their adopted homeland. 

While they continue to navigate immigration policies and the evolving landscape, their commitment to innovation and progress remains a significant asset to the nation’s ongoing development and prosperity.

Here is an overview of the present scene for EB-2 NIW visa holders in the USA:

Permanent Residency: EB-2 NIW visa holders are typically granted conditional lawful permanent residency (Green Card) in the United States upon approval of their visa petition. After two years, they can apply to have the conditions removed, resulting in unconditional permanent residency.

Employment and Entrepreneurship: EB-2 NIW visa holders can work for any employer or pursue self-employment or entrepreneurship in the United States. They are not tied to a specific job or employer.

Travel: EB-2 NIW visa holders can travel in and out of the United States without restriction while maintaining their lawful permanent resident status. However, extended absences from the U.S. may raise questions about residency, so it’s essential to consult with immigration experts for guidance on maintaining Green Card status.

Access to Benefits: As lawful permanent residents, EB-2 NIW visa holders are eligible for certain benefits, including access to education and healthcare services. They can also sponsor eligible family members for Green Cards.

Path to Citizenship: After holding a Green Card for five years (or three years if married to a U.S. citizen), EB-2 NIW visa holders may be eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship through the naturalization process, provided they meet all requirements.

Continued Professional Advancement: Many EB-2 NIW visa holders pursue their careers and research in the United States, contributing to various fields such as science, technology, academia, and healthcare.

Changing Employers: EB-2 NIW visa holders have the flexibility to change employers or job positions without jeopardizing their Green Card status. However, they should continue to work in their stated field of national interest.

Updates in Immigration Policy: Immigration policies and regulations can change over time, affecting various aspects of visa holders’ experiences. It’s essential to stay informed about any updates in immigration laws and regulations that may impact EB-2 NIW visa holders.

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