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What is M-1 Visa, and How is it Different from F-1 Visa?

What is M-1 Visa, and How is it Different from F-1 visa?

The M-1 visa is a type of non-immigrant student visa issued by the United States for individuals who wish to study at a vocational or non-academic institution. It is specifically designed for students who want to pursue practical training programs, such as technical or vocational courses. Examples of activities they can participate in while on the M Visa include mechanical classes, cosmetology courses, or cooking classes.

On the other hand, the F visa is for individuals looking to attend a university, college, high school, seminary, conservatory or private elementary school. By filling out an I-20 form, you will choose either the M student visa or the F student visa. 

Eligibility: To be eligible for an M-1 visa, you must have been accepted by a recognized vocational or non-academic institution in the United States. This could include trade schools, technical colleges, and other similar institutions.

Duration: The duration of your M-1 visa will generally correspond to the length of your vocational program. You’ll usually be granted an additional 30 days after the completion of your program to prepare to leave the country.

Employment: While M-1 visa holders are generally not allowed to work during their studies, there might be certain limited exceptions for practical training related to their field of study.

Change of Status: If you wish to change your status to another non-immigrant category (like an H-1B work visa or an F-1 student visa for academic studies), you would typically need to apply for a change of status with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Dependents: M-1 visa holders can’t bring dependents (like spouses or children) with them under the same visa category. Family members who want to accompany the M-1 student need to apply for separate visas.

Requirements: You’ll need to demonstrate your intent to return to your home country upon completion of your studies, sufficient funds to cover your tuition and living expenses, and a clean criminal record.

Application Process: The process usually involves applying at a U.S. embassy or consulate in your home country. You’ll need to complete the DS-160 form, pay the required application fee, schedule and attend an interview, and provide the necessary documentation to support your application.

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