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Knowledge Exchanging Seminar at The Clarkston Community Center, Georgia

Shoutout to everyone who attended the knowledge-exchanging seminar at The Clarkston Community Center, Georgia. The event started with the recitation of Surah Al-Hashr from the Holy Quran, recited by Qari Mohammad Ali. Following the recitation, the seminar was conducted by Syed Alam Prince, the Georgia Office Manager of Attorney Raju Mahajan & Associates.

The seminar was organized by BRCG (Business Resource and Consulting Group), in collaboration with several local business organizations in Georgia, including Attorney Raju Mahajan & Associates.

During the event, a significant portion focused on a question-and-answer session between Georgia’s Burmese Rohingya community and Attorney R. Mahajan, Esq., the Principal Attorney from Raju Law Firm. Attorney Raju Mahajan shared valuable insights and knowledge with the attendees. The opportunity for participants to engage in a one-to-one Q&A session with him proved to be incredibly valuable. This session provided a platform for deeper discussions and individualized guidance, allowing participants to address their specific concerns and receive personalized advice from Attorney Mahajan.
The seminar was honored by the presence of Mahbubur R. Bhuiyan, the newly elected President of The Georgia Bangladeshi Shomiti. He delivered a speech focusing on local housing finance matters and discussed affordable ways of accessing housing options. During his speech, he expressed his gratitude towards Attorney Raju Mahajan and Associates for their support and contributions. Mahbubur R. Bhuiyan’s presence and insights added value to the seminar, providing attendees with additional perspectives on housing finance within the local context.

In addition to the above-mentioned highlights, Mr. Hassan Rana introduced home care services specifically tailored for the Burmese Rohingya community in Georgia. This initiative aimed to address the unique needs and challenges faced by the community in terms of healthcare and support services.
To ensure effective communication and understanding, the entire discussion was translated into the Rohingya language by Mr. Ayub Muhammad and BRCG Vice President Abu Talib. Their efforts facilitated a better comprehension of the information shared during the event.

The event saw the presence of many community leaders, businessmen, and social workers who attended and actively participated. They highly appreciated Attorney Raju Mahajan for his wise initiative to assist the deprived refugee community, such as the Burmese Rohingya community in Georgia. This recognition showcased the value and impact of Attorney Mahajan’s efforts in providing support and guidance to marginalized communities.

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Event Schedules

June 13, 2023

Question-and-answer session between Georgia’s Burmese Rohingya community and Attorney R. Mahajan, Esq.

Question-and-answer session between Georgia’s Burmese Rohingya community and Attorney R. Mahajan, Esq.

Attorney Raju Mahajan shared valuable insights and knowledge with the attendees. The opportunity for participants to engage in a one-to-one Q&A session with him proved to be incredibly valuable. This session provided a platform for deeper discussions and individualized guidance, allowing participants to address their specific concerns and receive personalized advice from Attorney Mahajan. The seminar was honored by the presence of Mahbubur R. Bhuiyan, the newly elected President of The Georgia Bangladeshi Shomiti. He delivered a speech focusing on local housing finance matters and discussed affordable ways of accessing housing options. During his speech, he expressed his gratitude towards Attorney Raju Mahajan and Associates for their support and contributions. Mahbubur R. Bhuiyan’s presence and insights added value to the seminar, providing attendees with additional perspectives on housing finance within the local context.

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Employment and investment-based immigration are essential pillars of the U.S. economy, driving innovation, job creation, and economic prosperity. As we look towards the future, let us embrace a balanced and pragmatic approach that recognizes the contributions of immigrants while safeguarding the interests of American workers and businesses. By doing so, we can build a more inclusive and prosperous society for generations to come.


Immigration In The USA

Employment and investment-based immigration are essential pillars of the U.S. economy, driving innovation, job creation, and economic prosperity. As we look towards the future, let us embrace a balanced and pragmatic approach that recognizes the contributions of immigrants while safeguarding the interests of American workers and businesses. By doing so, we can build a more inclusive and prosperous society for generations to come.

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