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What do you know about the H1B Visa?

What do you know about the H1B Visa?

The H1B visa is also called a Person in Specialty Occupation Visa. Employers who want to hire nonimmigrant aliens as workers in specialty occupations or as fashion models of exceptional merit and ability can use the H-1B program.

You’ll be eligible for an H1B visa if you’re hired for a specific job that meets the following criteria:

  • Possession of an advanced educational degree such as:
  1. A 4 four year Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent degree)
  2. A Master’s or Doctoral Degree
  • Advanced training or vocational skills (examples include fashion models)
  • Qualify to work in research and development projects of the US Department of Defense or other government positions.
  • Examples of job positions might be:
  1. IT specialists.
  2. Architects.
  3. Accountants.
  4. Professors.
  5. Doctors.
  6. Lawyers, etc.

Classification of H1B :

There are three types of H1-B Visa. They are-

  1. H-1B- Specialty Occupations
  2. H-1B2- DOD Researcher and Development Project Worker
  3. H-1B3- Fashion Model

Eligibility to get H1B Visa:

  1. H-1B- Specialty Occupations requires:
  • Theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge; and
  • Attainment of a bachelor’s or higher degree in the specific specialty (or its equivalent) as a minimum for entry into the occupation in the United States.

The position must also meet one of the following criteria to qualify as a specialty occupation:

  • Bachelor’s or higher degree or equivalent is usually the minimum entry requirement.
  • The degree requirement is common to the industry in parallel positions among similar organizations. Alternatively, the job is so complex or unique that it can be performed only by an individual with a degree.
  • The employer usually requires a degree or its equivalent for the position.
  • The nature of the specific duties is so specialized and complex that the knowledge required to perform the duties is usually associated with attaining a bachelor’s or higher degree.
  1.  H-1B2- DOD Researcher and Development Project Worker job must require a bachelor’s or higher degree, or its equivalent, to perform the duties. The petition must be accompanied by:
  • A verification letter from the DOD project manager for the particular project stating that the beneficiary will be working on cooperative research and development project or a co-production project under a reciprocal Government-to-Government agreement administered by DOD. 
  • A general description of the beneficiary’s duties on the particular project and the actual dates of the beneficiary’s employment on the project.
  • A statement indicating the names of noncitizens currently employed on the project in the United States, their dates of employment, and the names of noncitizens whose employment on the project ended within the past year.

To be eligible for this classification, you must have a bachelor’s or higher degree or equivalent in the occupational field where you will be performing services.

  1. H-1B3- Fashion Model position/services must require a fashion model of prominence.
  • To be eligible for this visa category, you must be a fashion model of distinguished merit and ability.

How to Apply for the H1B Visa?

Here are the steps you need to go through to apply for the H1B visa:

  • Make sure you qualify for the H1B visa.
  • Find a petitioner by using for a job opening in the United States.
  • Have the petition initiated by your employer.
  • Apply for the H1B visa at the nearest US Embassy/Consulate in your home country.

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